“Doing what is right” is the premise of our business philosophy, the Premier Way. We recognise that we have a responsibility to care for and protect our people, our planet, and the communities in which we operate, minimising the potential impact our activities may have and enhancing our competitiveness by building a sustainable business. Premier has a proud history of building iconic brands that deliver quality, affordable products that make a real difference in the lives of its consumers, and of serving the communities in which it operates. Our many corporate social responsibility programmes and our mission of growing together has been a strategic focus. We participate in several Corporate Social Investment projects, assisting people in need, through the provision and distribution of our various products. Climate change is a pressing reality, and food security and affordability are at increasing risk from the effects of severe climate change as the availability, affordability and quality of raw materials are impacted globally. We have responded by committing to significantly reduce our environmental footprint by prioritising the reduction of energy, water and waste, whilst remaining focused on delivering quality products and contributing to society’s need for food security, nutrition and dignity.
In line with this philosophy, we have a defined sustainability vision which is: “Earning the right to operate in our communities by being mindful of our responsibility to society and the planet”. To support this vision, we have developed a sustainability strategy which hinges on four interconnected pillars: Our People, Our Products, Our Planet and Our Communities, with the intention of delivering quality products to our consumers, contributing to improved access to nutrition and sanitary protection in communities that need it most, whilst making a meaningful difference to stakeholders in society.
Each of the pillars is aligned to several of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which guide our decison making and assist us in making an impact.
Providing food security is a priority to ensure that enough safe and nutritious food choices are available |
Providing learning opportunities for all through an ongoing focus on skills and leadership development, mentorship and coaching. Through our Lil-lets products we support girls remaining in education |
We work to end all forms of discrimination against women and girls, ensuring equal opportunities in the workplace and through our Lil-lets products, we promote gender equality |
We are working to increase water use efficiency and where possible, increase re-use and recycling rates across our operations |
We are developing an alternative energy strategy that will increase the share of renewable energy in our supply mix and have implemented measures to improve energy efficiency |
We promote full and productive employment that is fair for all, in a safe and secure working environment, and take a stance to eradicate forced/child labour |
We empower and promote inclusivity irrespective of age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religious, economic or other status. Premier is a B-BBEE Level 4 contributor |
We continue to implement measures to address food waste in production as well as along the supply chain through initiatives that prevent, reduce or recycle. We adhere to sustainable sourcing policies for ingredients |
We strive to reduce our impact on climate change and also mitigate the impact of climate change on our operations through strengthening our resilience and adaptive capacity |
Through our extensive CSI activities, we partner with local communities and NGOs to support the implementation of the UN SDGs through sharing of knowledge, financial resources and product donations |
These four pillars and their strategic focus areas are outlined below: